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Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work (Hardcover)

By Jacqueline Whitmore
Jazz and jazzy
Product Description
Have you forgotten a person’s name two minutes after being introduced? Have you wondered which fork to use or how to discreetly pay the check while attending an important business dinner? Have you insulted an international client by mistake and didn’t realize it until it was too late? Making these types of errors can get in the way of getting ahead. However, these faux pas can be avoided by exercising a little bit of business etiquette.
Business etiquette is a powerful, practical, and profitable skill you can use when it most counts to get a job, keep a job, or succeed on the job. It is a set of rules and guidelines that makes your professional relationships more harmonious, productive, manageable, and meaningful.


International etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore provides tips, tactics, and cautionary tales—gleaned from the experience of a multitude of successful CEOs and top managers—as well as information on how to:
· Be more polished and professional in the boardroom or at the dining table
· Master the art of mingling, networking, and remembering names
· Communicate effectively via technology
· Keep in touch, nurture professional relationships, and turn contacts into contracts
· Write effective thank-you notes and send the perfect business gift every time
· Be more “global-minded” and enhance international relationships
Business Class will teach you the nuances of treating colleagues, clients, and customers with courtesy and respect, which in turn will increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability.

Classic Social Etiquette & Courtesy Videos DVD: Teaching Good/Bad Manners to Children & Etiquette Training Lessons for Office, Job, Phone & Dating

Jazz and jazzy

Product Description
(1) As Other See Us (1953) - Dripping with social conformity this film teaches teens how to act so other people will like you. Fantastic all around film.(2) Cindy Goes To A Party (1951) - In a dream, Cindy's Fairy Godmother teaches her how to act during a party. Cindy believes she did not get invited to her friends party because she had bad social skills. (3) Everyday Courtesy (1948) - Always say "please" and "thank you" because other will like if you are nice to them. Vintage film teaches the basics of how to empathize and be courteous to others.(4) How Do You Do (1946) - A sad story, with a happy ending. A poor girl embarrasses herself because she doesn't how the proper way to introduce people to one another!!!! She'll never make that mistake again. (5) Johnny Learns His Manners (1946) - Johnny an animated young boy is a social disaster. He wont clean up his room, he argues, and is totally uncooperative. Its time Johnny learns a lesson.

Got The DVD

(6) Mind Your Manners (1953) - "Good manners make good first impressions." Stresses that good manner should look and feel natural. Shows teenagers with impeccable manners to teach etiquette.(7) Office Etiquette (1950) - Treat other as you want to be treated at the office. It will make everyone like you and you will get a raise. Donny and Duncan are the perfect children. They are good sportsmen, courteous, and they go do lots of fun things together like eating a picnic in the park.(8) Playing Together (1950) -(9) The Prom: It's A Pleasure (1961) - Coca Cola Junior Miss Pageant from 61 is used to teach how take a lady to the prom. Wonderful footage of the annual pageant from Mobile, Alabama.(10) Writing Better Social Letters (1950) - A young teen girl gets help from her brother on how to write good letters to friends and family. Its important!

Rabu, 16 April 2008

Etiket Komunikasi III

Dalam Menyapa, gunakan sebutan yang pas pada waktu dan tempat misalnya bapak atau Ibu

Memberikan komentar itu tak ubahnya melempar kritik. Jadi ingatlah, sebelum anda mengomentari sesuatu hal, sebaiknya bercermin dalu. Apakah komentar anda terhadap orang lain sudah dilakukan pula oleh diri sendiri?

Tips Berkomentar
  • Berhati – hatilah dalam memilih kata.
  • Jangan mencoba untuk menggunakan bahasa tulis jika anda tidak menguasai bahasa tulis.
  • Dalam keadaan terdesak sebaiknya tetap berikan komentar dengan cermat.

Memberi teguran bukanlah soal mudah. Apalagi kalau yang ditegur orang yang lebih dihormati atau mungkin lebih tua.

Kunci Memberi Teguran
  • Jangan beri teguran didepan umum.
  • Wajib hukumnya memberi teguran dengan kata-kata dan cara yang sopan
  • Kemukakan dengan alasan yang jelas dan masuk akal.
  • Bersikaplah konsekuen.
  • Kalau tidak mempan juga berikalah dalam bentuk tulisan

Etiket Komunikasi I I( Berkenalan )

Pertemuan pertama akan melahirkan kesan atau image tertentu pada masing – masing individu yang saling berkenalan

Yang Wajib dilakukan Saat Berkenalan
  • Ucapkan nama dengan jelas
  • Lakukan kontak mata
  • Jabat tangan dengan erat

Cara Berkenalan
  • Perkenalkan pria kepada wanita
  • Wanita diperkenalkan kepada pria bila pria tersebut orang penting, misalnya guru.
  • Dahulukan orang yang lebih tua atau memiliki jabatan sewaktu memperkenalkan seseorang.
Duduk atau Berdiri ?
  • Umumnya dalam budaya barat, wanita yang sedang duduk tidak wajib berdiri ketika bersalaman.
  • Di budaya kita, sebaiknya berdirilah sebentar pada saat diperkenalkan dan bersalaman.
  • Ketika ada yang berpamitan, berdirilah sejenak untuk menyalaminya.
Do & Don’t
  • Melakukan perkenalan ditempat yang ramai.
  • Asal “tabrak” saja melontarkan pertanyaan yang terlalu pribadi.
  • Jangan langsung menawarkan diri untuk fdatang kerumah atau mengajak keluar bagi lawan jenis

Etiket Komunikasi I ( Basa Basi )

Mengapa harus berbasa – basi?
Basa – basi tak ubahnya kata pembuka dalam satu karangan. Bayangkan saja kalau dalam suatu percakapan, anda langsung masuk keinti persoalan.

nDo & don’t dalam basa – basi
  • 1.Do ( obrolkan hal – hal dan kejadian umum sehari – hari) 2.
  • Don’t ( jangan berbasa – basi dengan berlebih – lebihan)

Resep manjur untuk berbasa - basi
  • Bicarakan apa yang disenangi oleh lawan bicara.
  • Berbasa – basi cukup dimulai dengan sapaan “halo” atau “selamat pagi” plus seulas senyum dibibir.
  • Perhatikan porsi basa – absi anda